Itinerant section

Itinerant section

The itinerant section is born of a need to take the cinema to the interior. Cities that do not have rooms and people who lack access to culture.

In 2017 we managed to reach 34 cities and we had an audience of more than 3,600 people.

“We believe that bringing this access to these people, especially to the municipal and state schools of the interior, creates a promotion of culture in our state. When we think about a festival just inside a movie theater in a rich neighborhood of Curitiba we are being very reductionist. The Itinerant section makes the festival much more democratic. We do exhibitions in classrooms, in sheds, in small libraries and wherever possible. The important thing is to make them accessible to the cinema. Include them in this universe. Every year we try to reach more cities and more people. Our intention is to demystify the author and independent cinema made in Brazil and in the world. “Antônio Junior, festival director.



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