Mirada Paranaense – the local in focus

Mirada Paranaense – the local in focus

The section Mirada Paranaense is dedicated to present to the public a panorama of the local cinema production. The audience is invited to know the early productions of the young local filmmakers, as well to follow new works from more experient filmmakers.

Antônio Junior, director of the festival, talked a little about the importance of the section for the festival.

“The Mirada Paranaense is a section that has been part of the Olhar de Cinema – CIF since its first edition. It has become a privileged space for the exhibition of the production made in the state that hosts the event and a window for young directors and filmmakers to exhibit and discuss with a crowd of more than 400 people. We always think of the Mirada Paranaense as a central show for the festival, since it is also a moment in which we launched several short and feature-films in the state and this attracts the local agents of the cinema generating an environment for meetings and building partnerships. ”

During the last 6 years we have already shown 49 productions from Paraná, between short films and feature films.
Some of the films that were here the last years have had a good career at other festivals as well.

Pavement song | A canção do asfalto

Dir. Pedro Giongo
2017, 16’
20th Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes – Brasil – Premiere, 23 Jan 2017
5th Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes SP – São Paulo, Brasil, 2017
9th Mostra Outros Cinemas – Fortaleza, Brasil, 2017
6th Olhar de Cinema, Int. Film Festival – Curitiba, Brasil, 2017
Curtas Brasileiros Contemporâneos na Cinémathèque Française – Paris, França, 2017
28th Festival Int. de Curtas Metragens de São Paulo – Brasil, 2017
24th Festival de Cinema de Vitória – Brasil, 2017
19th Festival Int. de Curtas de Belo Horizonte – Brasil, 2017
17th Goiânia Mostra Curtas – Brasil, 2017
14th Fenavid – Festival Int. de Cine Santa Cruz – Bolivia, 2017
27th Festival Int. de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro – Brasil, 2017
13th Cinefest Gato Preto – Lorena, Brasil, 2017
19th Festival Kinoarte de Cinema – Londrina, Brasil, 2017

World stratifies body moves | O mundo estratifica o corpo se desloca

Dir. Igor Urban
2017, 21’
6th Olhar de Cinema – Festival Internacional de Curitiba (WP – Jun 2017)
11th Cine BH – Mostra de Cinema de Belo Horizonte, 2017
4th Lumiar – Festival Interamericano de Cinema, 2017
FICBIC – Festival Internacional de Cinema da Bienal de Curitiba 2017
Festival Psicodália 2018

The great grey cloud | A Grande Nuvem Cinza

Dir. Marcelo Munhoz
2016, 72’
5th Olhar de Cinema – Curitiba International Film Festival (Estreia), 2016
18th FICA – Festival Internacional de Cinema e Vídeo Ambiental, 2016
6th FILMAMBIENTE International Environmental Film Festival, 2016
6th Mostra Ecofalante Environmental Film Festival, 2017
6th Family Film Project – Festival Internacional de Cinema de Arquivo, Memória e Etnografia, 2017
Grand Prix do Júri – 6th Family Film Project – Festival Internacional de Cinema de Arquivo, Memória e Etnografia, 2017

João & Maria

Dir. Eduardo Baggio
2016, 20’
5th Festival Olhar de Cinema 2016
12th Panorama Internacional Coisa de Cinema 2016
3th Fronteira Internacional do Filme Documentário e Experimental 2016
3th Cine Jardim 2016
2th Fevuem – Festival de Vídeos UEM 2016
Cartas do Mundão 2016 (diversas cidades em Pernambuco)
5th Festival de Cinema Curta Pinhais – Festcine 2017
Mostra Sesc de Cinema Paraná 2017
5th Jornadas do Cinema em Português (UBI – Portugal) 2017
Mostra de Cinema de Fama (MG) 2017
Festival 3 Margens 2017 (Brasil, Argentina e Paraguai)

Purple night | Noite Púrpura

Dir. Caroline Biagi
2016, 18’
5th Olhar de Cinema – Curitiba International Film Festival – Mirada Paranaense (Curitiba, PR, 2016)
2th Festicini – Festival Internacional de Cinema Independente – Mostra Paralela (Sumaré, SP, 2016)
14th Curta Santos – Festival de Cinema de Santos – Mostra das Minas (Santos, SP, 2016)
2th Mostra Ela Na Tela (Porto Alegre, RS, 2016)
4th FAB – Festival de Audiovisual de Belém – Mostra Competitiva (Belém, PA, 2016)
1th Cine Tamoio Festival – Mostra Competitiva (São Gonçalo, RJ, 2016)
11th Fest Aruanda do Audiovisual Brasileiro – Mostra Competitiva (João Pessoa, PB, 2016)
5th Iguacine – Festival de Cinema da Cidade de Nova Iguaçu – Mostra Competitiva (Nova Iguaçu, RJ, 2017)
9th Mostra Outros Cinemas (Fortaleza, CE, 2017)
4th Festival de Finos Filmes – Mostra Competitiva (São Paulo, SP, 2017)
19th Festival Kinoarte de Cinema – Competitiva Paranaense (Londrina, PR, 2017) – Prêmio de Melhor Direção de Arte
14th FIM – Festival Imagem-Movimento (Macapá, AP, 2017)
Best Production Design of the Competitive Paranaense of the 19th Festival Kinoarte de Cinema.
It was shown on Canal Brasil, and is also licensed to Hysteria, which is expected to release the movie on the online platform in the second half.

The last portrait | O último retrato

Dir. Arthur Tuoto
2016, 15’
5º Olhar de Cinema – CIFF / Mirada Paranaense (Curitiba/PR – junho/2016)
Paura Festival Internacional de Cine de Terror,  Valência/Espanha
Mostra do Filme Livre – Rio de Janeiro 2017
The film is going through the circuit of the Sesc Cinema Show, being shown in several units of the institution.
In the regional show of Sesc it won the award for Best Direction, Screenplay and Sound. And in the national show, award for best sound.

Orion | Órion

dir. Rodriane DL
2016, 16’
Palmacine – Festival de Cinema de Palmácia(Mar 2018) Palmácia/CE, Brazil
FESTin – Festival de Cinema Itinerante da Língua Portuguesa(Feb 2018) Lisboa, Portugal
10th Festival de Cinema da Lapa (Nov 2017)Lapa/PR, Brazil
11th Mostra Curta Audiovisual (Nov 2017) Campinas, Brazil
1th Festival de Cinema de Carpina (Nov 2017) Carpina/PE, Brazil
Cine Tornado Festival (Nov 2017) Curitiba/PR, Brazil
13th Cinefest Gato Preto (Nov 2017) Lorena/SP, Brazil
Cardiff International Film Festival (Oct 2017) Cardiff, United Kingdom
4th Festissauro – Festival de Cinema de Sousa (Oct 2017) Sousa/PB, Brazil
15th Festival Internacional de Cinema Infantil – FICI 2017 (Sep 2017) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Expressions Short Film Festival(Jul 2017) Nagpur, India
1th Mostra Feministas de Quinta (Jun 2017) Vitória/ES, Brazil
6th OLHAR DE CINEMA – Festival Internacional de Cinema de Curitib (Jun 2017) Curitiba/PR, Brazil
3th Cine Jardim (May 2017) Belo Jardim/PE, Brazil
5th Festcine – Festival de Cinema “Curta Pinhais” (Apr 2017) Pinhais/PR, Brazil
1th Bienal Internacional do Cinema Sonoro(Mar 2017) Goiânia/GO, Brazil
16th Mostra do Filme Livre (Mar 2017) Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil
3th Mostra de Cinema Feminista (Mar 2017) Belo Horizonte/MG, Brazil
1th CINE TAMOIO (Dec 2016) São Gonçalo/RJ, Brazil
Mostra das Minas (Nov 2016) Santos/SP, Brazil
2th Mostra Ela na Tela (Oct 2016) Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil
2th FESTICINI – Festival Internacional de Cinema Independente (Sep 2016) Sumaré/SP, Brazil
15th Festival Internacional de Cinema Infantil – FICI 2017 (Sep 2017) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Prêmio Exibição TV Brasil
Cine Tornado Festival (Nov 2017) Curitiba/PR, Brazil – 2th place

Early bird | Pai aos 15

Dir. Danilo Custódio
2016, 16’
5th Olhar de Cinema – CIFF / Mirada Paranaense (Curitiba/PR – junho/2016)
14th FICI – Festival Inter. de Cinema Infantil / Mostra Teen (Rio de Janeiro/RJ – set/2016)
4th FAB – Festival de Audiovisual de Belém (Belém/PA – novembro/2016)
20th Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes / Mostra Jovem (Tiradentes/MG – janeiro/2017)
Programa Nova Era de Arte e Educação / Cine Expressão  (Nova Era/MG – abril/2017)
11th Mostra Cinema e Direitos Humanos / Mostra Panorama: direitos da criança e do adolescente (Todas as capitais do Brasil – maio à junho/2017)
3th FestMCA – Festival Mate com Angu de Cinema Popular (Duque de Caxias/RJ – maio/2017)
12th CineOP – Mostra de Cinema de Ouro Preto / Mostra Expressão: o cinema vai à escola (Ouro Preto/MG – Junho/2017)
2th Recria Cine – Mostra de Cinema para Crianças e Adolescentes (Ervália/MG – julho/2017)
11th CineBH – Mostra Int. de Cinema de Belo Horizonte / Gestos de Cinema (Belo Horizonte/MG – agosto/2017)
28th Curta Kinoforum – Festival Int. de Curtas de São Paulo / Mostra Infanto-Juvenil (São Paulo/SP – agosto e setembro/2017)
17th Goiânia Mostra Curtas / Mostrinha (Goiânia/GO – outubro/2017)
4th Primeira Janela – Festival de Cinema Infanto Juvenil de Porto Alegre / Categoria Jovem (Porto Alegre/RS – novembro/2017)
1th Intersessões – Festival de Cinema de Ubá / Sessão Escola Juvenil (Ubá/MG – março/2018)
26th Curta Cinema – Festival Int. de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro / Processos Formativos (Rio de Janeiro/RJ – novembro/2016)
Popular Jury / 17th Goiânia Mostra Curtas – Best Picture of the Show
Brazil Children’s Cinema Prize / 14th FICI – Best Film of the Teen Show




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